Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cousin Camp 2007 pt.1

Each summer my family, my brother(when in the states) and sister's families head to northern Wisconsin for a week of vacation at a cabin on Bishop Lake near Crandon, WI. When I say cabin I mean a 600 sqft building with no running water, so it is the real deal. The week usually consist of a lot of swimming, grilling, fishing and in general a lot of nothing. I thought I should put together some video I took at Cousin Camp. Yes, we even have a name, competitions and chores for tickets in which the cousins can purchase candy and toys at the Candy Shack. Enjoy part one.


Jennifer Broberg said...

This one was more melancholy for my kids just because they missed it! But it was fun to see all the crazy stuff that went on! Thanks for the peek. Look forward to the next one.

Abe said...

cool, I was wondering if you guys saw it. Sorry the quality wasn't that great.

Jennifer Broberg said...

We don't have HI speed so it took awhile to see but once downloaded we watched it over a few times.

Colonel Havoc said...

That was...

disturbingly entertaining.

I'm, uh...

going to go do something else now.