Monday, March 03, 2008

145 inches = Snow Fort

A couple weeks ago, yet again, we received another dousing of snow. While fighting the epic battle of "G.U.S." I decided to take a break and build a snow fort with my son. What else do you do when you have received just over 145 inches of snow this year. So I got out a flat spade and went to work. When we were all done we decided to have a fire and roast marshmellows and eat hotdogs. It was a lot of fun.

It is very important to end any snow fort activity with a couple cups of hot chocolate.

Enjoy a little snow fort video


TheKupkaFamily said...

You guys have the best videos. I laughed until I cried with the "You Can't Touch This" video. With this one, I just cried. How sweet. What great memories you are building with your boys. Great job!!

Shainerz said...

"Do you want me to say I love snow?" hahaha. You're a fun dad...invite me to the next snow fort party!

Colonel Havoc said...


Miss you guys.

(Rare show of emotion from the Colonel)

Anonymous said...

hey, that looks like a fun boy activity! My boys would love it, might be a bit cold for what they are use to. Trevor hasn't lived in below zero weather for quite some time :) AND NEITHER have we!!! hee hee hee :)

Jennifer Broberg said...

It my be one chance in a long time to build a snow fort. Your kids will not forget that. Hot chocolate is a must! So fun! Those videos are treasures for your family. It will be fun to sit down and watch them when they get older.

JC said...

I almost missed snow watching that. Almost.